8 Features Your Tech Blog Needs To Have In 2020

3 min readNov 7, 2019


One of the most effective ways to win at startup marketing is to create a dedicated tech blog for your website. From ranking for long-tail keywords to boosting organic marketing, starting a tech blog has benefits galore.

Thanks to the massive expansion of internet infrastructure and the availability of website creation tools, there is now a website on practically every topic imaginable. Still, some topics have a wider appeal than others, and technology is one of them.

If you’ve noticed this trend yourself, you’ve probably started dabbling with the idea of starting a tech blog of your own. This is simple enough to do with existing blog creation platforms, but if you want to make your tech blog really stand out, you need to optimize it in a specific way.

You can accomplish this by ensuring your tech blog has certain features. These features will make your tech blog more enjoyable to use, which is crucial for maintaining a healthy online readership.

To learn more about what these features are, and how you should go about implementing them, you should check out our concise write-up on the topic in the remainder of this post.

8 Features Your Tech Blog Needs To Have In 2020

1. Blog Post Archive

As a tech blogger, your main product will be tech-related content. Most blogs publish content in sequential order, with the most recent posts displayed at the top.

This makes it easy for visitors to discover your most recent content, but the downside is that older content will eventually get buried. In order to make all of your content easily accessible, your blog should provide an archive of all published posts.

By doing this, you will give readers the power to discover content that interests them without having to scroll through your main feed until they find something they like.

2. Search Function

Another way to derive value from your content marketing efforts is by providing a search function on your blog. Blogs without a search function force their visitors to use a search engine to find what they need, which is detrimental to your website’s user experience.

In contrast, a built-in search function will make it easier for readers to find what they want on the spot. A simple search form is sufficient for most blogs, but you can also take things a step further and provide advanced search parameters to make your blog really convenient to browse.

3. Comments Section

The main advantage blogs have over conventional media such as print or television is the fact that the readers get the chance to interact with other readers as well as the content creator.

These interactions are a valuable way of generating engagement. The more time people spend on your blog engaging with other users, the better the odds of them returning for future content updates.

Reading comment sections is also a great way to find inspiration for future content ideas and topics. You’ll be surprised how often you’ll find useful information in an offhand comment by a random user.

Read more here.

Originally published at https://get.tech on November 7, 2019.




Written by www.namify.tech

Namify is a brand builder for passionate people in a hurry to get their ideas floating on the Internet.

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