8 Tips To Help You Start A Tech YouTube Channel
If you’re on the lookout to buy a new smartphone, chances are that you’ll watch review and unbox videos on at least one tech YouTube channel.
And two hours later, you’ll be watching a documentary on how Graham Bell invented the first telephone.
YouTube surely is addictive.
With a subscriber base of over 1.9 billion monthly active logged-in users, YouTube has grown to become the world’s second-largest search engine.
Today, 70% of millennials watch YouTube channels to learn how to do something new or to learn something new.
According to the research consultancy, the global information technology industry is on pace to reach $5 trillion in 2019.
These statistics offer a lucrative and dynamic opportunity to anyone with a penchant for technology for starting a tech YouTube channel.
Confused about how and where to start?
Without further ado, let’s get you started with the tips and tricks that will help you start your own successful tech YouTube channel.
Read more here.
Originally published at https://get.tech on August 12, 2019.