How To Become A Health Coach And Start A Solo Business
5 min readMay 18, 2021


With people refocusing on their health after the global lockdowns, learning how to become a health coach can be a great business start.

It can seem a little tricky to learn how to become a health coach.

What does it encompass?

Is a personal trainer a health coach?

Is it a nutritionist?

A therapist?

Health is a very broad topic and a health coach is one who directs their clients to a holistic health solution. This can mean a plan made from a combination of physical, nutritional, and mental health checks.

There’s never been a better time than now to be a health coach. 2020 brought some unique changes to people’s perspectives, globally. Health is now being thought of more than ever.

In this article, we look at how to become a health coach- and forge a path to success.

1. Become More Complete In Your Approach

Being a health coach implies being more rounded in your approach to well-being. It transcends the role played by a nutritionist or a fitness coach. Those guys are the specialists.

You don’t have to be the best fitness trainer nutritionist. However, you must learn to do both effectively and with a good degree of quality.

For example, if you’re an expert at training but lack an understanding of nutrition, you need to overcome that weakness.

Take online courses, look at recipes, learn about macro and micronutrients.

2. Include Mental Health Into The Picture As Well

The concept of health has changed in recent years. Conversations of mental health are gaining more traction than ever. Therefore, every health-related professional should acquaint themselves with it.

This does not mean you go out and try to become a therapist. That takes years of hard work, patience, professional experience, with its own ups and downs. We’re talking about how to become a health coach in this article.

However, what this does mean is that you read up on mental health a lot more, acquaint yourself with therapists and psychiatrists in your area, as well as groups, outings, and events that focus on mental health.

You should be able to bring up and recommend mental health services with your clients if the need arises.

3. Get Certified

There are a lot of certifications you can undertake if you want to learn how to become a health coach. There are general health coach certifications, as well as specialized courses that one can take.

Some of these are:

  • The American Council on Exercise (ACE Fitness) has a great course on being a health coach.
  • Strengthscape’s Certified Behavioral Consultants course will make you a psychologist but will help you develop an understanding of behaviors. This in turn can help develop confidence when you recommend a therapist to your clients.
  • The National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) has a course on becoming a nutrition coach that can add to your arsenal of health coach-related topics.
  • Finally, Verywell Fit lists down some of the best health coach-related programs available in the market.

Certification will not only add to your knowledge but also legitimize your approach in your clients’/ prospective clients’ eyes.

4. Apply Your Advice…. To Yourself

Do that and market yourself on social media, such as Instagram. Health is a lot more than what can be seen visually. However, to the layman, the first impressions are often the visual ones.

Therefore, it makes sense to get on a good, progressive exercise regimen and a great nutrition plan. Additionally, take steps to care for your mental health, as well.

Create content around these topics and put yourself out there. Be your own ‘success story.’

5. Do Things Differently Online

The fitness and health industry has been online for a while. In fact, the global lockdowns across 2020 only helped accelerate the process, but not start it.

However, health has been turned into a mythical concept online. Self-proclaimed push seedy products under the pretense of them being the cure.

Be different.

People are beginning to appreciate genuine efforts by legitimate health professionals. Be part of the wave that’s making the change.

How do you do this? Use These As Good Steps:

  • Website Design & Content: Antranik’s portal is free of gimmicky transformation claims and false promises. The fitness expert has a simple website, with achievable goals. His plans focus on overall body wellness.
  • Contribute Free Content (That’s Actually Helpful): Don’t peddle half-baked content seeking answers. Instead, contribute to health communities on Reddit. Give legitimate advice. People who don’t have the resources will appreciate you and people who do have the means will look for your one on one services.

6. Keep Up With The Health Industry

If you want to learn how to become a health coach, you need to keep up with the industry. Especially the fads.

People are often swayed by the next big superfood and the newest, ultimate workout plan. Truth is, these are often exaggerated tales sewn by those looking to profit quickly.

Be wary of these developments and educate your clients. Additionally, look at positive developments in the industry as well.

If there is a new technology, research, or fitness regime that can help your clients, make sure you’re aware of them.

Read these:

Health publications to see what the professionals are producing:

  • University Health News
  • Health Literature Exchange | WHO

Magazines to understand what people are reading:

  • Health Magazine
  • Psychology Today
  • Men’s Health & Women’s Health

7. Build Relationships With Vendors

Don’t just learn how to become a health coach. Learn how to become a successful one. In order to do that, you’ll have to not only be good at being a coach, but also a businessperson.

A great way of attracting clients is by adding value to your services. Getting your clients discounts at gyms, giving them personal nutrition and workout sessions can help generate more business.

This starts with building relationships with vendors. You can look at:

  • Organic food centers/ Farmer’s Markets
  • Gyms & Training Facilities
  • Wellness centers
  • Group activity and health workshop organizers
  • Coaches and trainers for certain sports

The more solutions you can offer your clients, the more likely they will be to succeed and generate word of mouth.

Providing rounded health coaching does require a lot of work. The work is continuous since health is thought and rethought of on a daily basis.

It becomes the responsibility of health professionals to discern between legitimate developments and fads. Communicating the best solutions to your clients is of the utmost importance since you’re working on their bodies.

It is difficult, yet also rewarding because seeing clients succeed and become healthier is a plus like no other!

Originally published at on May 18, 2021.



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