How To Create A Successful eCommerce Digital Marketing Strategy
4 min readDec 5, 2019


Marketing, as an eCommerce business function, has evolved significantly over time. And digital marketing is at the forefront of eCommerce marketing evolution. Digital marketing is one of those terms we hear on a daily basis, yet some of us never truly know what it means.

What Is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is a way of marketing products or services that is done through the use of electronic devices and social media.

Most people usually associate digital marketing with online marketing, but in reality, digital marketing can be done not only online but also offline.

The most important element about digital marketing is creating a strategy that will help you spread the word about your products and services and increase your audience and your sales.

Importance Of eCommerce Digital Marketing

Digital marketing enables eCommerce businesses such as yourself to come up with new and efficient ways to connect with your target buyers and a relevant audience.

In order for you to be able to attract a bigger following and increase your eCommerce business’s sales, you need to start thinking like your target audience and ensure that all the content you post will be enjoyed by them.

Digital marketing will essentially help you come closer to your audience and attract more people to your brand without you having to invest too much effort.

This will happen as gradually, as you learn about your audience’s preferences. It will help you determine what ingredients you need to mix to cook up a successful digital marketing strategy.

How To Create A Successful eCommerce Digital Marketing Strategy

In order for you to be able to create a digital marketing strategy that will fit your needs and help you achieve your eCommerce goals, you will need to take a few things into consideration.

Firstly, you need to understand the demographics of your audience, where they are located, which social media platforms they prefer using, their income, their purchasing behavior, and so on.

Along with gathering all the basic information in regards to your brand and your audience, you should also have a basic concept of how digital marketing works and which options you have in regards to both online and offline digital marketing.

Here are some of the most popular and successful eCommerce digital marketing techniques to help you pick the right one for your eCommerce business’s needs.

Online Methods Of eCommerce Digital Marketing

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The very first thing you should be aware of in regards to your digital marketing campaigns is search engine optimization or otherwise known as SEO. This is essentially a process that affects the way that your content shows up on the various search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

eCommerce SEO is very important if you want to make your content visible to as many people as possible. The way you optimize your online content will play a very important role in how it will perform.

The number one thing that is always connected to SEO is keywords and for the most part, this is exactly what you should be focusing on with your content too.

Keywords are essentially words that are people use to search for a particular query. Search engines then show results based on the words of the search query.

In other words, keywords will help a user interested in finding something online come across a result on a search engine which will be the closest to what they are looking for.

To rank higher on search engines, you should optimize for love long-tail keywords.

Even if you don’t know a lot about keywords, there are many ways for you to learn how to create SEO keywords which will work to your advantage.

There are various online tools such as the Keyword Tool which are free to use and very reliable when it comes to supplying your online content with some much-needed SEO keywords.

If you wish to know more about how to optimize your content for search engines and learn how to use keywords correctly, you can always use the help of a professional service such as TrustMyPaper or Studicus, where you will be able to work with a professional writer or editor who will guide you and optimize your content accordingly.

2. Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is one of the most popular marketing techniques. With more and more active profiles, users have embraced platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

In fact, there are over a billion active users on Instagram alone. And over 90% of those active users follow business accounts. This staggering statistic is the reason why eCommerce businesses should turn to Instagram marketing and Instagram SEO techniques for better reach and conversions.

That apart, it is almost certain that a big part of your target audience will have their own social media profiles where they will be able to potentially engage and interact with your business.

Social media marketing is a great way for you to attract a bigger, more loyal following for your brand. You can also collaborate with influencers and piggyback on their success.

You can also host giveaways, answer questions through direct messages and build a community of followers for your eCommerce brand.

3. Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Read more here.

Originally published at on December 5, 2019.



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Namify is a brand builder for passionate people in a hurry to get their ideas floating on the Internet.

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